
Sustainability – A Long Way To Go

Sustainability is currently one of the predominant topics, also for us as Brüning Group. It is about taking responsibility and pursuing new ideas and alternatives in production and trade. This also includes installing environmental management systems, e.g. according to ISO 14001, as well as complying with various product and supply chain certifications.

Another approach for more sustainability is the substitution of non-sustainably produced products, such as peat. It is well known that peat is a very good substrate and therefore often used, but it only forms very slowly over hundreds and thousands of years and is considered one of the largest CO2 reservoirs. For these reasons, a sustainability goal in this area is to find and market equally effective substitutes. For this reason, we at the Brüning Group now also work with peat substitutes such as wood fibres and fluff, coconut products as well as bark humus and compost in our unit for soil plants and composting plants. The unit, under the new management of Christoph Bahrs*, is focusing intensively on the possibilities on the market and is always looking for alternatives.

For us, solution-oriented cooperation with our business partners plays a central role. Recently, one of our business partners and soil plant operators, ASB Grünland, contacted us with the request for an interview on the topic of ”sustainability”. The company is focusing on this issue and is interviewing employees, customers, suppliers and independent third parties as part of this process. Hendrik Bauer, responsible for sustainability and certification at the Brüning Group, gladly agreed to participate. The discussion with Ms Herrmann from ASB and an external service provider focused on our general attitude and the demands we make on our business partners, they on us, but also the demands we make on ourselves.

Environmental awareness found its way into everyday business life a long time ago. However, acting in a truly sustainable way is something completely different. It is clear that the substitution of some products and goods is becoming increasingly important and urgent, as some resources are not available in unlimited quantities. The Brüning Group, which with its corporate orientation is also affected by and part of this process, is trying to face up to its responsibility in the best possible way. Therefore, we naturally strive to pay attention to sustainability in the relevant areas, even if this cannot be implemented from one day to the next.

If you have any questions or are interested in the topic of peat and peat substitutes, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Christoph Bahrs
+49 4293 7894-212
* If you want to know more about Christoph, << click here >> for an interview.
